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DSM for iOS in the App Store

Twitter @@TheDrummer2011
Instagram @andreas.schweiger2019
iPad App
iPad Lite App

DSM for iPadOS in the App Store

iPhone Play Screen

Play Screen

This screen is mainly meant for checking chains or practising the sequence. Chains can be selected and the help screen is reachable.

Preset/Chain Selector

With this buttons it can be set in what order the sequence of the presets will be played. If „Play Preset“ is selected the device will play all available presets as they are stored on the device. If „Play Chain“ is selected only the sequence of the selected chain will be played.

Next/Prev Preset Buttons

With this buttons it is possible to select the next/prev preset in the selected sequence. The buttons gray out in case there is no next/prev preset.


The start/stop button for the metronome.

Shows the help screens

Chain Select Button

The button pops up a picker where the chain to play can be selected.

Main Volume Slider

With this slider the main output volume can be set. Also the MP3 audio will be affected.

Audio Volume Slider

With this slider the MP3 audio output volume can be set.

Play / Pause Audio

If there is an Audio file associated to the preset the audio can be started and paused with this button.

Rotate Button

This button switches to the Stage Play Screen

Actual and next Preset area

In the top area of this screen the actual and the next  preset are shown with its related information like BPM, Artist, Titel, Comment and more.

Stage Play Screen (iPad)

This screen is mainly meant for the stage situation. Just press the „Rotate Button“     and the App switches to this mode and back again. 

Here the information is displayed quite big, with bigger tick LED‘s and big buttons to switch to the previous or next preset.

The selection which chain should be played is done in the portrait screen but also can be done in this screen. Just tap the chain name which you find after „C:“ and a popup will appear where you can select a chain from the chain list.

Also with tapping on the current Preset number (upper left after the „P:“) a popup appears where you directly can select a Preset.

In this screen the AirTurn Bluetooth device or IK Multimedia’s BlueBoard can be used to switch the presets or other parameters via foot switches. Up to 4 switches are supported and can be configured individually in the preferences section.

Here it is also possible to select an input device (if nothing is attached the internal mic is used) to monitor your playing.

To invoke the measurement press the „Measure“ button and the app will monitor the BPM and compare it with the actual preset. 

If your are too slow, the up arrows will be lit and mark that you should speed up.  

If you are to fast the down arrows will be lit and mark your should slow down.

Only if you see the green dot you are on the spot in a 5% range. 

Stage Play Screens (iPhone)

For the iPhone Version the stage screen is split in 4 different screens which basically do the same as the iPad combined Screen. 


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